Ruby Red
Ruby Red
Why purchase Ruby Red Grapefruits at the store when you can get all the delicious, healthful benefits right at home? These beautiful blooming trees produce a luscious cross between a sweet orange and a pomelo, fantastic for eating fresh or juicing! Plus, they're free of seeds.
Ruby Red Grapefruit Trees are surprisingly easy to grow and drought-tolerant. They can also be grown outdoors in warmer climates or planted in containers to be moved when temperatures drop too low. Give the tree a sunny spot, and you'll have plump citrus fruits all winter!
About Your Ruby Red Grapefruit Tree
Shipping Height: 18-24 inches (not including pot)
Shipping Pot Size: Citrus pot (4 inches square x 13 inches deep)
Rootstock: Standard grafted on Swingle rootstock
Pollination: Self-pollinating
Years to Bear Fruit: 2-3
Seeds: Seedless
Mature Height: May be pruned to stay happy in a container. 12+ feet tall in landscape.
Light: Bright sun
Water: Medium
Zone: 9-11 in landscape, in containers everywhere
Shipping: We ship to addresses within the continental United States excluding AZ, CA, LA, TX (due to agricultural restrictions).