Tangerine Tree

When do you ship?
Mostly Monday & Tuesday to ensure the tree gets to you before the weekend.  Some in-state shipments could go out on Wednesday, as well.

Which carrier do you use for shipping?

Do you offer free shipping?
We do not, due to the variability in shipping charges by location. We want your plants to be in the best shape when they reach you.

Where do you ship?

We ship to addresses within the continental United States excluding AZ, CA, LA, TX (due to agricultural restrictions). 

Do you sell cuttings?
Not at this time.

Do you sell wholesale?
Yes, we are a wholesale dealer as well. Email info@murphycitrusnursery.com for wholesale information.

May we come visit the nursery?
No. The nursery is closed to the public, other than coordinated order pickup, in order to preserve the health of our trees. When you place a local pickup order, we will coordinate with you regarding your pickup time.

Do you offer curbside pickup?
Pickups at the nursery are by appointment only.

There is something wrong with my citrus tree. Can you help me figure it out?
Because we're so busy growing trees, we can't usually answer tree health questions. We recommend that you check out these university Cooperative Extension websites for help. 

University of Florida

University of California

University of Arizona

If you don't find what you're looking for, please email us a picture to info@murphycitrusnursery.com. Please do not bring diseased plants to our nursery for us to look at.